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News and activities

FICS is closing in the end of 2015. Thanks for your participation in the previous years!


Jyväskylä Summer School, 6-22 August 2014, Jyväskylä

The Summer School annually offers courses for advanced master’s students, graduate students and post-docs in the various fields of science and information technology. Finnish and international students from these fields are encouraged to take advantage of the high-quality interdisciplinary teaching of the School.
The most important aims of the Summer School are to develop post-graduates scientific readiness and to offer students the possibility to study in a modern, scientific environment and to create connections to the international science community. The Summer School offers an excellent pathway to develop international collaboration in post-graduate research. Application deadline 30th April 2014. More information: Jyväskylä Summer School

The Helsinki Summer School on Mathematical Ecology and Evolution, 17-24 August 2014, Turku

The summer school will focus on the dynamics of infectious diseases. All young researchers working in mathematical epidemiology, ecology or evolution can apply from all countries, especially from Europe and the Mediterranean. The school is aimed at graduate students of mathematics, but we also welcome students of biology with sufficient background in mathematics, as well as advanced undergraduates and postdocs. The deadline for applications is 15 April 2014. There is no registration fee. For more details and application, see

BREW bioinformatics workshop, May 12-13, 2014, Bielefeld, Germany

BREW is a workshop for PhD students in bioinformatics, which aims to give an introduction to scientific conferences, including submission, peer review and presentation of scientific papers. All participants will submit a paper and take part in reviewing papers from other participants. After the review deadline, students have a chance to make alterations to their paper and deliver a final version. All participants will present their paper at the conference-style meeting. More information at

Optimal estimation and prediction, Jan 7 - May 8, 2014, Tampere University of Technology

Filtering and smoothing methods are used to produce an accurate estimate of the state of a time-varying system based on multiple observational inputs
(data). Interest in these methods has exploded in recent years, with numerous applications emerging in fields such as navigation, aerospace engineering, telecommunications and medicine. This compact, informal introduction for graduate students and advanced undergraduates presents the current state-of-the-art filtering and smoothing methods in a unified Bayesian framework. Readers learn what non-linear Kalman filters and particle filters are, how they are related, and their relative advantages and disadvantages. They also discover how state-of-the-art Bayesian parameter estimation methods can be combined with state-of-the-art filtering and smoothing algorithms. The book's practical and algorithmic approach assumes only modest mathematical prerequisites. Examples include Matlab computations, and the numerous end-of-chapter exercises include computational assignments. Matlab code is available for download at, promoting hands-on work with the methods. Contact person: Robert Piche

MLSS 2014: Machine Learning Summer School, April 25 - May 4, 2014, Reykjavik, Iceland

Co-located with AISTATS 2014, Seventeenth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and, Statistics
More information at MLSS 2014 web page.

Evolutionary algorithms in games, 9-13 December 2013, University of Jyväskylä, Mattilanniemi 2, Agora building

Lecturer: Dr. Antonio M. Mora García, University of Granada, Spain
Scientific content of the course: This course deals with evolutionary algorithms, an important aspect of computational intelligence, and proposes different ways of using them in game development. Contents:
 Evolutionary algorithms: main concepts (basic implementation)
 Computational intelligence in games
 Example of basic agents. Implementation of a rule-based bot for a basic game (maybe Planet Wars, or Super Mario)
 Improvement of our bot by means of evolutionary algorithms
 Internal competition and analysis of the results
Targeted audience: All FICS doctoral students who are willing to explore computational intelligence and its applications in games.
Benefits for FICS students: Free attendance and unique opportunity to gain insight in both the basics of evolutionary algorithms and in their applications in games.
Game development can be considered as one of the upcoming important research fields in future computational sciences. Considering the important fields of
applications of computational sciences considered by FICS, this course crosses three disciplines, i.e. computational statistics and information technology, numerical and applied mathematics and future computational sciences. The course is aimed to advance interdisciplinary research by motivating students from diverse research fields who come under different disciplines in FICS and promote game development. More details from the course web page.

PROSECCO Autumn School in Computational Creativity, 18-22 Nov 2013, Porvoo

Creativity is a long-cherished and widely-studied aspect of human behavior that allows us to re-invent the familiar and to imagine the new.
Computational Creativity (CC) is a recent but burgeoning area of creativity research that explores the potential of computers to be autonomously creative or to collaborate as co-creators with humans.
As a scientific endeavor, CC proposes that computational modeling can yield important insights into the fundamental capabilities of both humans and machines. As an engineering endeavor, CC claims that it is possible to construct autonomous software artifacts that achieve novel and useful ends that are deserving of the label "creative". If sufficiently nurtured, the products of CC research can have a significant impact on many aspects of modern life, with particular consequences for the worlds of entertainment, culture, science, education, design and art. See more at

Computational-imaging Pipeline for Automultiscopic Displays, 27-29 Nov 2013, Tampere University of Technology

The courses addresses computational imaging aspects of sensing 3D visual scenes by multi-camera setups, their light-field and multi-view multi-depth representations and related processing, and their visualization through modern 3D displays. More specifically, the course addresses the problems of multi-camera rectification and disparity estimation, as well as scene representations ranging from pure image-based, such as Epipolar-Plane Image (EPI) based, to multi-view multi-depth based. Ray interpolation and view rendering techniques are discussed along with production rules for generating correct stereoscopic 3D and techniques for generating visual effects out of multi-camera data. Principles of operation of 3D displays are reviewed and Fourier domain analysis of such displays is presented.
Instructors: Frederik Zilly, Fraunhofer IIS, Germany and Dr. Robert Bregovic, Holografika, Hungary and Tampere University of Technology, Finland.
Wednesday, 27 November
12:00 – 12:15 Opening the course (Atanas Gotchev)
12:15 – 14:00 Lecture 1: Multi-camera 3D scene sensing (Frederik Zilly). Feature-Point-Based Multi-Camera Rectification; Multi-Camera Disparity Estimation
14:00 – 14:15 Coffee break
14:15 – 16:00 Lecture 2: Light field representations (Robert Bregovic) Epipolar-plane image representation;Light field analysis in Fourier domain
Thursday, 28 November
09:15 – 11:00 Lecture 3: Processing of multi-camera data (Frederik Zilly) View Rendering / Depth Image Based Rendering; Visual Effects using Multi-Camera Data: Matrix-Effect, Vertigo-Effect, Synthetic Aperture;
11:00 – 12:00 Lunch break
12:15 – 14:00 Lecture 4: 3D displays (Robert Bregovic) 3D displays: principles of operation; Analysis of 3D displays in Fourier domain;
Friday, 29 November
09:15 – 11:00 Lecture 5: High-quality Stereoscopic 3D (Frederik Zilly) Production Rules for visually pleasant Stereoscopic 3D;
11:00 – 11:15 Instructions for writing the reports and closing the school (Atanas Gotchev)
Registration: Susanna Anttila
Additional information: Atanas Gotchev and at
course web page

FICS Autumn School, 23-25 October 2013, Otaniemi, Espoo

Please see more information on the Autumn school home page.

Jyväskylä Summer School, 7-23 August 2013, Jyväskylä

The Jyväskylä Summer School is organized by the Faculty of Mathematics and Science and the Faculty of Information Technology at the University of Jyväskylä. The Summer School annually offers courses for advanced master’s students, graduate students and post-docs in various fields of science and information technology. FICS supports its students in participating in the school. Participation is by application only, please see the web page of the summer school for more details.

Introduction to Quantum Systems and Devices, 11-14 June 2013, Aalto University, Espoo

“Introduction to Quantum Systems and Devices” is a summer school focusing on the physics and applications of quantum systems that are currently under intensive research. The level of teaching is introductory which means that no prior knowledge of the specific quantum systems is required. Although prior knowledge of basic quantum mechanics is recommended, there will also be a theory introduction. For those more familiar with quantum systems, there will still be plenty of information to absorb from the last lectures of each lecturer when they go into details and latest developments of their specific research topics.
Topics include: circuit quantum electrodynamics (cQED) and superconducting quantum bits (qubits), electron and heat transport in nanoelectronics, quantum photonics, spins in semiconductors and spin qubits, and Bose-Einstein condensates of ultracold atoms.
In addition to comprehensive lectures given by internationally leading scientists in their fields, there will be a student poster session, sauna, and plenty of time for discussions outside the lectures. Registration deadline 6 May.

BREW bioinformatics workshop, May 3-4, 2013, Max Planck Institute in Berlin

BREW is a workshop for PhD students in bioinformatics, which aims to give an introduction to scientific conferences, including submission, peer review and presentation of scientific papers. All participants will submit a paper and take part in reviewing papers from other participants. After the review deadline, students have a chance to make alterations to their paper and deliver a final version. All participants will present their paper at the conference-style meeting.
All FICS students are warmly recommended to participate in BREW. FICS and BREW will cover all expenses of participation. Deadline for registration and abstract submission is 1 Feb 2013.

Statistical Mechanics of Biological Cooperativity, 22-25 May 2013, Ferry Stockholm-Mariehamn and Hotel Arkipelag, Mariehamn, Åland

The meeting addresses applications of statistical mechanics to biological cooperativity, from molecules to populations. The scientific interface between physics and biology is one of the most active areas of scientific research, as shown by its rapid evolution during the recent years. Biological cooperativity roughly includes all action in biology that cannot be explained linearly, from synergistic interactions on the molecular level up to games and strategic interactions in populations. There is no workshop fee but you need to cover your accommodation in Mariehamn and travel to Stockholm. You can ask FICS's support for those. Registration deadline 1 April 2013.

Career Coaching, 4-28 February 2013, Otaniemi, Espoo

Organized by our partner Culminatum. Free of charge to FICS students but the number of seats is limited. More information in an email sent to you by Ella Bingham on Nov 6, and from Ella on request.

8th FinBioNet PhD Symposium: Revolutionary Bioscience - From Advanced Technologies to Personalized Medicine, October 2-3, 2012, Tampere, Finland

The annual symposium is titled this year "Revolutionary Bioscience - From Advanced Technologies to Personalized Medicine", organized by the students of TGPBB. The talks by the selected international speakers will provide insights into recent discoveries, technological achievements and ethical discussions in the fields of personalized medicine, regenerative medicine, ageing as well as nutrigenomics and functional food. In addition, there will be an interactive panel discussion on career, business and education, followed by a workshop on student posters, thus enabling young scientists to share their own research and consider career development and employment. The symposium is free for the students from collaborating doctoral schools, including FICS.

Helsinki Summer School in Mathematical Ecology and Evolution, 19-26 August 2012, Linnasmäki Congress Centre, Turku

This school will be dedicated to an especially hot area of mathematical ecology, the theory of speciation. The school consists of five series of lectures: (1) Population genetics of speciation (Prof S Gavrilets, U Tennessee, confirmed); (2) Multilocus models of speciation (Prof N Barton, IST Austria); (3) The role of sexual selection (S van Doorn, U Bern, confirmed); (4) Ecology of speciation (E Kisdi, HY, confirmed); (5) Theory and empirical speciation research (Prof D Bolnick, U Texas, confirmed). In addition to the lectures, student discussion groups centred on working papers and free discussion periods will foster interaction between participants and lecturers. The target audience is PhD students of mathematics working in ecology and evolution as well as PhD students of biology with interest and background in theory. The school will also accept advanced undergraduates and postdocs.


Jyväskylä Summer School, August 8-24, 2012, Jyväskylä

Including e.g. the following courses that might be of interest to FICS students: CH1 Drug Discovery 20-24 Aug; CH3 The Physics and Chemistry of Atomic Clusters 13-24 Aug; COM4 Optimization of Computationally Expensive Functions 13-17 Aug; MA3 Markov Chain Stability and Applications 13-17 Aug; Bayesian Variable Selection in Genetics 20-24 Aug. More information on these courses in this attachment. The participation is free but only upon application and acceptance at


COST training school on 3D Media Technologies, User Experience and Computational Architectures, August 12-16, 2012, Tampere University of Technology

The school will feature tutorial-like lectures on established topics within the scope of the school given by world-renowned speakers. Presentations on novel achievements on emerging topics will be featured as well. Students attending the school will have the chance to present their ongoing research in a poster session, get feedback from their fellow students and the lecturers, and compete for Best Poster Award.

FICS Summer School, Aug 15-17, 2012, Jyväskylä

The official summer school of FICS in 2012 will be organized jointly with Jyväskylä Summer School. More information in the above link. Everybody is asked to participate!


BREW 2012, Bergen, Norway, 3-6 May 2012

The Bioinformatics Research and Education Workshop is organized by student themselves and is thus a very good networking opportunity. Deadline for registration and abstract submission is 12 February. FICS covers the participation and travel expenses of FICS students.

Statistical Mechanics of Unsatisfiability and Glasses, Mariehamn, 23-26 May 2012

Nordita (the Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics) and the graduate schools Hecse, FICS and NGSMP co-organise a workshop whose list of invited speakers includes some of the internationally most prominent scientists working in this exciting area interfacing deep research issues in computer science and statistical mechanics. The organisers cover the accommodation and meal costs of students from the participating graduate schools. All participants need, however, arrange for their travel to either Mariehamn or Stockholm. (The workshop begins on the Viking Line ferry from Stockholm to Mariehamn). Registration closes on 1 April.

Summer School on Surface Extraction, Representation and Analysis (SERA), 5-8 June 2012, Tampere University of Technology

Representing, understanding, classifying shapes of three-dimensional objects is an extremely challenging research field with applications in diverse fields such as object recognition, classification, graphic design, animation, computational anatomy, atrophysics, and biomedical image processing. This summer course will focus on the problem of modeling, representing, and comparing the shape information extracted from digital data. In the school, both theoretical and numerical aspects will be presented. Audience: Post-graduate students and researchers in the fields of computational sciences, image processing, computer vision, mathematics, physics, statistics, biology, computer science, and neuroscience working with computational models of surfaces/shapes. Free attendance to FICS students. Registration 1 April - 15 May to

Computational methods for inverse problems in imaging, June 11-15, 2012, University of Eastern Finland in Kuopio

Inverse problems arise in many areas of science and technology including medical imaging, geophysics, nondestructive testing, industrial process monitoring, remote sensing, and pricing financial instruments. Design and analysis of reliable and computationally effective mathematical solution methods for inverse problems is an active area of contemporary applied mathematics. Register before 31th of March 2012 by sending email into including your name, institution, address and email-address. Participation including lunch and coffee is free of charge.

FICS Winter meeting, Jan 13, 2012, Helsinki

Includes a poster session for students and mentors, and guest talks by FICS alumni and company representatives. Time: 12-19 o'clock. Please find more info by clicking on the title. Registration deadline 4 January, via a registration form found here

FinBioNet PhD-Student Symposium: 5S - Five Senses of Science, Nov 22-23, 2011, Helsinki

The symposium is organized by students themselves, consisting of students in GPBM, HBGS and VGSB doctoral programmes. The theme of the meeting in 2011 will be “5S” – Five Senses of Science – exploring the main five senses in biological, medical and technological approaches. Instead of Posters the organizers will invite ”PagePosters”. Each participant will be given one page in the program booklet “Proceedings in FinBioNet PhD-Student Symposia” to present their project. Based on the field of study the participants will be divided in parallel workshops where students can meet and present their projects in more detail. The format of the workshops will depend based on the number of participants. In addition, a Career Development session is anticipated. The participation is free of charge for FICS students including lunch tickets for two days, HeLiSci - Xmas Party & Dinner on November 22nd and accommodation organized by FinBioNet. Registration open Sept 5 - Oct 20, 2011.

Key Concepts of Biology, Dec 9-12, 2011, University of Helsinki

Given by professor Ross D. King from Aberystwyth University, Wales, UK, and organized by professor Veli Mäkinen at Department of Computer Science, University of Helsinki. Contents: 1. Biochemistry and the Thermodynamics of Life, 2. Molecular Biology, 3. The Theory of Evolution, 4. The Diversity of Life. Free attendance to FICS students!

PhD -- an Entrepreneur? Oct 10-11 and Oct 31-Nov 2, 2011, Helsinki, Aalto School of Science

The objective of this training is to improve participants' over-all information, knowledge and understanding of entrepreneurship and start-up-businesses. It helps participants analyze, what components and competencies are needed to conduct a business successfully. In addition to transferring knowledge and insights on modern theories of strategic thinking, the program also deals with other skills and competencies such as: steps to start up an own company, how to manage sales in terms of reading, interpreting and analyzing financial reports, what are the modern methods in customer-oriented marketing (the role of social media e.g.), how to interact successfully with people of differing style, how to be persuasive, how to manage in time pressure. The teachers are from Aalto School of Economics, Small Business Center, and the training is offered by FICS and a few other doctoral programmes. Click here for a description (in Finnish) of a similar course organized previously. Free participation to FICS students. Registration dl Sept 30.

Intensive course on population genetics, University of Helsinki, August 29-31, 2011

Visiting lecturer Ville Mustonen.  Course contents: I. Introduction to evolutionary and population genetics theory.  II. More advanced topics in population genetics.   III. Evolutionary population genetics of binding sites.  IV. Identifying traces of adaptation from sequence data. With computer exercises. No participation fee. Local arrangements by professor Veli Mäkinen.

COMP-IT Summer School on Computation, Innovation and Information Technology,  August 24-26, 2011, Espoo

A joint summer school organized by doctoral programmes FICS, FIGS and Hecse, and EIT ICT Labs. Free participation to all students of these doctoral programmes.

FICS Summer School, August 22-24, 2011, Espoo

The main event of FICS in 2011, the summer school, will this time be organized together with National Graduate School in Materials Physics (NGSMP). The summer school will include guest speakers from both physics and other computational fields, a student poster session, informal get-togethers and other activities. All FICS students are encouraged to participate.

Large Scale and Supercomputing, August 15-19, University of Turku

Five days intensive course (20 h lectures, 10 h exercises) by Napsu Karmitsa, Marko Mäkelä, University of Turku, Department of Mathematics. Content: Super computers and supercomputing; Cluster and grid computing; Unix environment and Fortran 95 programming language for high performance computing; Parallel computing with the message-passing interface (MPI); Shared memory parallelization techniques with OpenMP; Performance tuning and code optimization; Software and case studies in scientific programming. Free attendance to FICS students.

Jyväskylä Summer School, Jyväskylä, August 3-19, 2011

The Jyväskylä Summer School annually offers courses for advanced Master's students, graduate students and post-docs in various fields of science  and information technology. The language of instruction is English in all courses. FICS students can attend all courses, the most interesting ones perhaps being CH1: Density Functional Theory for Nanostructures, CH2: Molecular Metallurgy:  Experimental and Theoretical Aspects, COM1: Modern Problems in Applied Dynamical Systems Theory, COM4: Nonlinear Optimization: Advances and Applications. Participation in the courses is free of charge but by application only, and students are expected to cover their own costs, including travel, accommodation and meals. FICS can in some cases support part of the expenses. More information on the courses and the application form are available at: DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS IS 30th APRIL 2011!

21st International Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Making, Jyväskylä, June 13-17, 2011

The theme for the Conference is Environment and Policy.

Computational analysis and Optimization (CAO2011), Jyväskylä, June 9-11, 2011

Conference Topics: - Numerical methods for mathematical models in natural sciences  - Reliable modeling, error control, and adaptivity - Mathematical models arising in modern technological problems - Advanced methods of scientific and engineering computations - Optimization and design.

Applied Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms, Jyväskylä, June 8-10, 2011

In recent times Evolutionary Algorithms based Multiobjective optimization strategies have been utilized in numerous real life problems. The present course will emphasize on many such problems which are either scientific or industrial in nature. The fundamentals of the Evolutionary Multiobjective optimization will be briefly elaborated in the beginning. However, the major part of the course will deal with the strategies for constructing data driven models, techniques for handling noisy or sparse data, identifying the role of variables etc. – all using unconventional Evolutionary Algorithms based Multiobjective approaches propagated by the instructor and his students and collaborators. Such strategies are also used to construct efficient meta-models, when applied in tandem with computationally intensive established modeling techniques like Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) or Molecular Dynamics (MD) to reduce the computing burden. Many such practical examples will be discussed and demonstrated. Number of credits: 2. Course Structure: Three lecture days and one take home assignment to be returned within two weeks. Participation is free.

Statistical Mechanics and Computation of DNA Self-Assembly, May 25-28, 2011, Mariehamn, Aland

This workshop intends to bring together scientists interested in the self-assembly of DNA nanostructures. So-called DNA origami uses the specific Watson-Crick base-pairing between complementary nucleic acids on many different short strands which in solution self-assemble to large complex yet programmable shapes. They hold promise for providing a versatile "toolbox" to engineer and manufacture complex nano-machinery with manifold applications in biotechnology and nanoelectronics. The workshop aim is to cross-fertilize experimental approaches to DNA origami and other examples of DNA self-assembly with computational methods used to design and predict specific origami structures. Potential applications of such DNA self-assembling into pre-determined shapes will also be discussed. Additionally, the workshop covers some more general aspects of the physics of DNA.

BREW Bioinformatics Research and Education Workshop, May 20-22, 2011, Tartu, Estonia

BREW is workshop series organized by a network of graduate schools in Europe (Helsinki, Bergen, Berlin, Bielefeld, Hinxton, Tartu). FICS students are encouraged to participate in the workshop which is organized by students themselves and thus a nice networking opportunity! The workshop is free of charge; the accomodation is covered by the local organizing committee and travel expenses are paid by FICS. Deadline for paper submission March 20.

Current doctoral research in Biostatistics, Statistics and related areas, May 18-19, 2011, Helsinki

The goal of the seminar is to introduce the ongoing research and provide the opportunity to interact with the people working on the same kind of areas. The main organizers of the seminar are the Finnish Society of Biostatistics and the alliance project STATCORE. Location: Helsinki, House of Sciences (Tieteiden talo), Kirkkokatu 6. The seminar is free of charge and FICS will cover the travel expenses of FICS students.

Bioinformatics 2011, May 10-12, 2011, Helsinki

SocBiN (Society for Bioinformatics in Northern Europe) is a non-profit organization for people working with and interested in bioinformatics and computational biology. The 11th SocBin Conference will be held in Helsinki May 10-12. The three-day program includes six sessions on cutting edge research in bioinformatics, presented by distinguished scientists, and a poster session. The conference site is Biomedicum Helsinki 1, a top medical research and training facility located on the Meilahti campus of the University of Helsinki, near the city center. Early registration deadline April 15. FICS covers the participation fee of FICS students. Please indicate in the registration form that you are a FICS student! After registration you will get an email with bank details but please ignore it as FICS will cover the participation fee.

Academy of Finland's Computational Science Research Programme, Apr 6-8, 2011, Gustavelund, Tuusula

A seminar for both the Computational Science Research Programme "Lastu" participants and especially doctoral students and postdocs in the fields of computational sciences. The event will include at least: a keynote speech by prof. Axel Bradenburg, oral and poster presentations, informal evening programmes and dinners. FICS can cover the travel expenses of FICS students. Registration deadline March 23. More information in this invitation.

Numerical Bifurcation Analysis, March 14-18, Helsinki

Prof Yuri Kuznetsov (Univ Utrecht) will give this course at the Department of Mathematics, University of Helsinki. This intensive course presents modern numerical methods and software for bifurcation analysis of parameter-dependent systems of smooth autonomous ordinary differential equations (ODEs). The main problems are: How to continue equilibria and periodic orbits with respect to a parameter? How to compute stability boundaries of equilibria and periodic orbits (limit cycles) in the parameter space? How to predict qualitative changes in system's behavior (bifurcations) occurring at these boundaries? How to locate and continue homoclinic orbits to equilibria? Only the most efficient methods will be described, which are based on projection and bordering techniques and employ boundary value problems (BVPs). These methods have been recently implemented in MATCONT, an interactive MATLAB bifurcation software for ODEs. An integral part of the course are computer sessions at which the students will learn how to use the latest version of MATCONT. No preliminary knowledge of bifurcation theory is assumed. The number of participants is limited to 24 (the size of the computer room). No participation fee. Please register asap by email to

Parallel Programming, February 15-18, 2011, CSC, Espoo

This workshop goes into more advanced topics and techniques in high-performance computing. Parallel algorithms, more advanced topics in message-passing interface (MPI), parallel tools and numerical libraries, parallel I/O, as well as shared-memory parallelization techniques alone and combined with MPI are discussed and exemplified. Also techniques for improving parallel scalability and serial performance of applications are discussed in detail. Registration by February 8.

Selling your ideas, January 19-20, 2011, Aalto University, Espoo

During this training, you will get tools to help you to: give more interest in your ideas, build trust quickly with new contacts inside and outside your university, get support for your ideas, sell your projects to funding committees, get listened to in European meetings, extend personal networks, find out hidden needs, sell your ideas in a recession, build motivation to make things happen internally, avoid compromise and get win win in meetings, deal with negative attitudes / questions, combat the aggressive negotiator. In addition, this training is a lot of fun. Given by Steve and Andy Langdon.  FICS covers the participation fee of FICS students. The registration form is here.

Parallel programming with PETSc programming library, January 17-18, 2011, CSC, Espoo

PETSc is a library of parallel programming. The course designed for FICS students, it is given by Professor Jan Westerholm and Mats Aspnäs from Åbo Akademi and it is held at CSC. The students are assumed to have some backgroud on parallel programming, for example an MPI course given by CSC on November 24-25. The registrations are handled by CSC, and FICS covers the participation fee of FICS students.

FICS Recruitment Fair, January 11, 2011, Otaniemi, Espoo

The event is designed to build contacts between FICS students and prospective employers. Several Tivit SHOK representatives will attend the event. In addition, fellow graduate students from Dublin, Ireland are invited to come and build contacts to FICS research groups, to pave the way for future internships between FICS and Dublin. Also the mentors and FICS students will meet each other. More information will follow. All FICS students and supervisors are invited. Please register until Sunday 2 January at

Stochastic differential equations and their applications, October 25-27, 2010, Lammi biological station

Organized by professors Tapio Ala-Nissilä and Esko Valkeila. An introduction to stochastic differential equations driven by standard Brownian motion by Stefan Geiss; Numerics of stochastic differential equations by Andreas Neuenkirch; Lectures on applications of stochastic differential equations in physics and biology (Pietro Faccioli and Otso Ovaskainen), Student lectures. Participation is free to FICS students! Registration dl Oct 17.


FinBioNet PhD Symposium: Visionary Science, September 9-10, 2010, Kuopio

FinBioNet - Finnish Graduate School Network in Life Sciences is a national network of graduate schools in biosciences and health sciences. FICS is a partner in FinBioNet. FinBioNet organizes a yearly student symposium. The symposium in 2010 will deal with issues of science in everyday life, science in the news, the role of women in science etc. Experts in various fields from within Finland and abroad will be coming to share their views and opinions with us and encourage lively discussions. An important aim of the symposium is to bring together PhD students from different backgrounds together to share experiences and get to know each other. This is also a social occasion to form new networks and make friends. Attendance and accomodation is free to FICS students! Registration dl August 15 and the number of participants is limited, so please hurry up!

The Helsinki Summer School on Mathematical Ecology and Evolution 2010, August 22-29, Turku

An EMS-ESMTB School in Applied Mathematics, supported by the Finnish Centre of Excellence in Analysis and Dynamics Research. This is the second school of a biennial series of international summer schools on mathematical ecology and evolution in Finland, organised by the Biomathematics Group of the University of Helsinki. The school consists of graduate-level lectures on five topics at the research frontier, covering both subjects of mathematics outstandingly important in the field and subjects of biology of current interest.

FICS Summer School, August 16-20, 2010, Helsinki

The "official" summer school of FICS, in which all students are expected to participate. The summer school will include a poster session, guest speakers, CSC intensive course on high performance computing, problem solving, informal evenings, entrepreneurship training, and so on. In the poster session, all students will present their research and receive feedback from FICS supervisors. More information here

Summer school on computational solution of inverse problems, June 28 - July 2, 2010, Helsinki

Inverse problems arise in many areas including medical imaging, geophysics, nondestructive testing, industrial process monitoring, remote sensing, and pricing financial instruments. Design and analysis of reliable and computationally effective mathematical solution methods for inverse problems is an active area of contemporary applied mathematics.

Summer Night in Science, June 17, Helsinki

Organized by several bio-related graduate schools in Helsinki: GSBM, HBGS, VGSB, FGSN, CLIGS, FICS. Presentations given by students, a well-known guest speaker (the identity of the guest speaker is a surprise and of interest to a wide range of audience!) and refreshments. Ravintola Koskenranta, Katariina Saksilaisen katu 9, Helsinki, at 16 o'clock onwards. Binding registrations until 9 June at 16 o'clock. The registration fee is paid by FICS but we cannot take any cancellations! FICS can unfortunately not cover your travel expenses into this leisurely event.

Statistical Mechanics of Inference and Learning, May 26-29, 2010, Mariehamn, Aland

For several years, ideas from statistical mechanics have been used in developing inference techniques useful for analyzing high dimensional data. Furthermore, in recent years technological advances in multi-electrode and multi-array recordings have resulted in an increase in the number of elements that can be observed simultaneously in many biological systems. This event is meant to gather scientists interested in applications of statistical mechanics for building useful inference techniques and the use of such techniques for making sense of multi-electrode/multi-array data. The event is also meant to gather participants from Computer and Information Science working on similar ideas.

Workshop on Algorithms and Applications, Helsinki, May 28, 2010

The workshop gathers authors of the LNCS Festschrift 6060 - Algorithms and Applications, Essays Dedicated to Esko Ukkonen on the Occasion of His
60th Birthday - to present their contribution. This festive edition of the workshop is a continuation of the local annual seminar series on string
processing research (Merkkijonopäivä 2009 and Merkkijonopäivä 2008). Registration dl May 20.

International Workshop on Coarse-Grained Biomolecular Modeling, March 7-12, 2010, Levi, Finland

Atomistic simulations of biomolecular systems have been used for decades to complement experiments. However, even with the rapid increase in the available computational power, atomistic simulations are still strictly limited to the nanoscale regime. Contemporary classical atomistic MD simulations typically feature ~10,000 - 1,000,000 atoms, studied over time scales of ~10 - 1,000 ns. These limitations prohibit studies of many important processes involving biological macromolecules. Examples of such processes include phase behaviour in lipid bilayers, vesicle fusion, and dynamics of proteins and their aggregates. Moreover, a direct comparison of atomistic simulations to experiments is often hampered due to the inherent limitations in resolution with the experimental methods used.
A powerful solution to the time and length scale problem in molecular simulation is to coarse-grain (CG) the atomistic system studied to one with a lower spatial resolution. Consequently, interactions between single atoms are replaced by effective interactions between the CG units.

Kick-off meeting January 15, 2010, at 15:00 - (about) 19 o'clock, Aalto University School of Science and Technology, Otaniemi, Espoo. Click here for more information

ComBi symposium December 18, 2009, Turku castle. A great event for those interested in bioinformatics!