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COMP-IT Summer School on Computation, Innovation and Information Technology 2011

Hecse  FIGS    FICS

August 24-26, 2011, Hotel Kuninkaantie, Espoo, Finland

The summer school is jointly arranged by Finnish Doctoral Programme in Computational Sciences FICS, Future Internet Graduate School FIGS, Helsinki Graduate School in Computer Science and Engineering Hecse and with the Helsinki node of the EIT ICT Labs.

This is a yearly event on computational topics, cutting across the core competences and thematic areas of EIT. Researchers and graduate students from other EIT ICT Labs nodes are warmly welcome, free of charge!

The activities of the COMP-IT summer school will include, but are not limited to:

  • student poster and spotlight session
  • visiting lecturers
  • entrepreneurship training (Antti Paasio, Univ Turku, Business and Innovation Development)
  • social events
  • EIT ICT Labs representatives (Christian Quiennec, Doctoral School Action Line Leader, and visiting lecturers)

Click here for the timetable of the week



All FICS, Hecse and FIGS students and supervisors, and EIT ICT Labs visitors are encouraged to participate, free of charge! Hotel accomodation is provided for all students and a restricted number of supervisors; if we run out of hotel rooms then those living outside Helsinki region are given preference. Travel expenses for students living outside Helsinki region are covered by the respective doctoral programmes: FICS, FIGS and Hecse students should make a travel claim to their own department and the department can then charge FICS upon agreement with Ella Bingham.

EIT ICT Labs visitors can apply for travel stipends, please contact Ella Bingham,

Posters: The poster stands are of size 95 cm x 160 cm.

Please register here until August 3 (students and those staying overnight) or August 15 (supervisors and other short-time visitors)

Please contact Ella Bingham for any questions,