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This is Finland an extensive website of Finland, produced by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs

Info Bank contains important basic information for immigrants on the functioning of society and opportunities in Finland.

EURAXESS Finland also contains useful information for foreign researchers coming to Finland, and researchers moving from Finland to abroad.

Vinkkejä väitöskirjaprosessin nopeuttamiseen (in Finnish) by Pekka Belt, Matti Möttönen and Janne Härkönen, containing tips for writing scientific articles and dissertations

Tips for writing scientific journal articles Dr Pekka Belt, Dr Matti Mottonen & Dr Janne Harkonen have published a guide
for doctoral students and researchers of all fields, providing tips for writing scientific journal articles.

Practical tips for doctoral students by Dr Pekka Belt, Dr Matti Mottonen & Dr Janne Harkonen. The central focus is on how to conduct the work effectively and speed up the process. The intention is to enable researchers to rationalise their graduate studies and the writing of their doctoral thesis, while maintaining high scientific standards.

English Communication for Scientists by Nature Education. A brief guide on how to communicate more effectively in English, no matter how much previous experience you have.

This is not an article -- Just some thoughts on how to write one by Carsten Sorensen. How do I write a good article which both documents the body of research I have conducted, and which also “sells” the points I am trying to make?

How do I become a data scientist? A possibly useful article written by a student, with comments from senior researchers.


Sulatis, Suomen laskennallisten tieteiden seura (Finnish Society of Computational Sciences)

Heidelberg Graduate School of Mathematical and Computational Methods for the Sciences, Germany

UCD Bioinformatics and Systems Biology PhD Programme, Dublin, Ireland