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Kick-off meeting January 15, 2010 - Welcome!

Kick-off meeting of FICS on January 15, 2010, at 14:50 - (about) 19 o'clock

Place: Aalto University School of Science and Technology (formerly known as Helsinki University of Technology TKK),
TUAS building, Room AS1, Otaniementie 17, AND T building, 1st floor cafeteria, Konemiehentie 2, Otaniemi, Espoo
(the two buildings are next to each other). See also: How to get to Otaniemi

Please register as soon as possible; click here for registration form

Students, please bring a ***poster*** for introducing yourself and presenting your research.  This can be informal and should be understandable to fellow students in all fields of FICS. Please send the title and abstract when registering.

Before the kick-off meeting, there is a possibility to visit Tekniikan Päivät (that's a science and technology seminar for wide audience, organized by Technology Academy Finland which also awards the Millennium Technology Prize), at Dipoli , Otakaari 24, Espoo. The theme of the seminar this year is fire and burning.

Preliminary schedule of the kick off meeting:

8:30  onwards: Possibility to visit Tekniikan Päivät at Dipoli
14:00 onwards: Students can hang up the posters at T building, 1st floor lobby, Konemiehentie 2
14:50 Refreshments at TUAS building, Room AS1, Otaniementie 17
15:00 Sami Kaski, Opening words
15:05 Guest lecture by Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Hans Georg Bock, Director of the Heidelberg Graduate School of Mathematical and Computational Methods for the Sciences: Building bridges between disciplines - scientific computing in science, technology and the humanities.
16:00 Guest lecture by Prof. Heikki Mannila, Vice President of Aalto University: Two types of computational science.
16:30 Sami Kaski and Ella Bingham, About FICS. Discussion.
17:20 Move to the T building, Konemiehentie 2, 1st floor lobby and cafeteria
17:30 Poster session with activities and refreshments

Some details of the expenses of the event: The event is free of charge to all FICS students, supervisors and collaborators. FICS can also cover modest travel expenses of students by public transport.